Interview Video

Keith Krach comments on Microsoft’s “Pivotal Move” to reopen nuclear plant to power AI


Former Under Secretary of State, Keith Krach weighs in on the impact of the tech giant, Microsoft, reopening the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania on 'Fox News Live.'

AI & Machine Learning Trusted Technologies

Former U.S. Under Secretary of State, and Chairman of the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue University, Keith Krach weighs in on the impact of the tech giant, Microsoft, reopening the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania on ‘Fox News Live.’ According to Krach, this is a pivotal moment in the ongoing development of AI technologies that are vital to U.S. technology leadership and national security. Krach expresses confidence in the safety of new nuclear technologies, and points out the importance of deploying Trusted Technologies to ensure that systems are secure and can be trusted to safeguard American IP.

Watch the interview here