Why Now?

Space technology encompasses the design, construction, and operation of spacecraft, satellites, and other technologies used in space exploration and scientific research. Leadership in this tech sector is vital for several reasons:

  • Driving scientific progress and discovery, enabling humanity to explore and better understand our place in the universe.
  • Advancing technology development in areas such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and materials science, with potential applications in a wide range of industries.
  • Facilitating the expansion of space exploration and commercialization, including the potential for space tourism, space mining, and satellite-based services.
  • Supporting national security, with space-based technologies providing critical capabilities such as early warning systems, communication networks, and surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities.
Explore Astrodynamics and Space Applications research at Purdue

Commissioner for Space Technologies and Systems

Daniel Goldin

Longest-Serving Former NASA Administrator ('92 to '01)

Commissioner for Space Technologies and Systems

The strategic importance of space and near-space technologies for the US cannot be overstated, as it is impossible to envision US national security and economic prosperity without a commitment to ensuring its access to space. If the US fails to lead all aspects of space, including satellite communications, reconnaissance, surveillance, natural resource exploration and acquisition, zero-gravity manufacturing, earth observation, lunar and cislunar exploration and operations, planetary exploration and operations and astrophysical observations, the result would have dire implications for many US industries—such as commercial, financial services, health care, and media—as well as military operations.