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Daily Performance Review

Tarang Amin


Tarang separates individual performance from the business key metrics. In an unusual move, e.l.f. does not perform annual performance reviews. Rather, Tarang works with his team to provide constant feedback down the whole chain, improving daily without the big gaps between reviews.


Tarang separates individual performance from the business key metrics. In an unusual move, e.l.f. does not perform annual performance reviews. Rather, Tarang works with his team to provide constant feedback down the whole chain, improving daily without the big gaps between reviews.


Different leaders have different ways of measuring performance. Some believe in a very aggressive meritocracy where the bottom 5% are taken out and they leave the company every year. Others believe in something more nuanced depending on the type of job you're talking about. How do you approach measuring performance?

Tarang Amin

Well, like most businesses, we have key performance indicators on how we are doing, and I'm proud of the fact that we are growing in a really challenged market where it's getting market share, there's a number of different metrics we look to see how we are doing, but at an individual level, one of the things that separates us from many other companies is we don't do annual performance reviews. We often found that the performance reviews were almost counterproductive, everyone, we took really great people and kind of had to put them on a bell-shaped curve and you got ratings, and instead, we used a one-team approach, and so our feedback happens every single day. We do not want people to wait for an annual period in which we give that feedback, we're giving feedback constantly and we are receiving feedback, and it's always in the spirit of helping someone succeed, so we are able to very quickly be able to see and be able to give that consistent level of feedback which we think is so much more important, and then what we do on an annual basis is we do development reviews, and what the development discussions really about is what are the strengths that we want to help people further accentuate, and then maybe there's an opportunity that they would want to develop, but really, it's focused on the strengths because we find if you have a diverse team and you can leverage each other's strengths, it makes the team interact much better, or we can get into kind of aspirations, where people want to go in their own development, and then what actions are both individual as well as manager going to take to be able to help them realize that.