Communication Greater Purpose Shared Playbook Team Success

Finding Your Voice

Tarang Amin


What happens after you've got the right team in place? According to Tarang Amin, people need to feel like their voices matter. But this isn't as easy as flipping a switch. It requires investment in culture.


What happens after you’ve got the right team in place? According to Tarang Amin, people need to feel like their voices matter. But this isn’t as easy as flipping a switch. It requires investment in culture.


Okay, so once you have the right people in place, how do you go about creating a team that really performs well together?

Tarang Amin

Well, I'd say the first thing is creating that environment where you're willing and able to give each other feedback. I think a lot of organizations that I've seen that have not performed well, there's almost this culture where people were not sure if their voice mattered, or if they were able to really bring the best to work. So, being able to make those investments to make sure that every single individual is willing to give their opinions and their thoughts, and really have it guide the decisions that we make is really important, so creating those rituals where we train in how you give feedback, we have forums where we can really talk business issues, and we learn from our failures. All those things are really important to kind of creating that culture.