Diversity & Inclusion Values & Purpose

Cultivating Culture

Tarang Amin


"You cannot be a company that wants to do global business without understanding cultures around the world." Tarang Amin, CEO of e.l.f., just about sums it up with his modern, empathetic approach to leading a global company.


“You cannot be a company that wants to do global business without understanding cultures around the world.” Tarang Amin, CEO of e.l.f., just about sums it up with his modern, empathetic approach to leading a global company.


I'm thinking more and more about the incredible diversity at e.l.f beauty and your suppliers all over the world, and the different cultures and countries that you have to deal with. How important is multicultural awareness in today's workplace, in today's corporate environments and how do you go about cultivating that?

Tarang Amin

Well, it's essential. I mean, you cannot be a company that wants to do global business without understanding cultures around the world, and including in the US, we are such a diverse country and our workforce is so diverse. I'd say a few different things, one is just awareness, really understanding, so when I think about our team in China, we regularly go over and do training on kind of standards within the US, both from a compliance standpoint, what they're looking to do, we reinforce our culture constantly but we also celebrate. I think celebrating different cultures is one of the best ways of making it come to life, so as I mentioned, our biweekly townhalls, we'll do different events where we'll celebrate, we will do, I talked about our dance parties, one of them will be a Bollywood dance party, another one, we really celebrate different areas, Chinese New Year, a number of our employees are Chinese nationals, the different customs and areas, we are just finishing up Golden Week, really being able to let people know kind of the significance of that, what our teammates are doing, and so I'd say one is awareness, but more importantly, celebrate cultural diversity that we have and why that makes us strong.