Greater Purpose Leading Change Passion Values & Purpose

Culture Statement

Jim Gibbons


How can you inspire your team to have a greater sense of social purpose? For Jim, it's simple: start with the map, build your values and voice, and be the change you want to impart upon the world.


How can you inspire your team to have a greater sense of social purpose? For Jim, it’s simple: start with the map, build your values and voice, and be the change you want to impart upon the world.


What would be your advice for folks who are trying to inspire their team with a greater sense of social purpose?

Jim Gibbons

I think an organization can actually seek from their team, what do we want our brand to be? And what are the values of the organization and how do we love them? And they may not align with where you are today, but they give you an ability to lay that map out in front of everybody on how do you get there. So there's always that level of employee engagement. And then that also speaks to that whole diversity and inclusion we talked about earlier. It's about voice and influencing the world that you're a part of and that you're shaping. And, I think most employees want to feel like they can do that. And I don't think all employees or team members feel like they have to do it every day, but they want to know that when they feel compelled that there's somebody listening on the other side. So I think I think that's one element. And then I think creating value I always call them a culture statement, which basically kind of weaved the attributes that the team wanted to have in the organization into a document. And then that document kind of became our pathway and what we measure every year to see how we're doing. And are there areas that we could be doing better and the always weren't.