You Gotta Believe

Theresia Gouw


Most founders believe in their companies as a matter of pseudo-religion. At the core of these companies are people who believe their mission and product will make a meaningful impact in the world. Listen to Theresia's take on the more human side of venture capital.


Most founders believe in their companies as a matter of pseudo-religion. At the core of these companies are people who believe their mission and product will make a meaningful impact in the world. Listen to Theresia’s take on the more human side of venture capital.


You've seen many CEOs working to build their businesses. What would you say are the most important leadership characteristics in fledgling CEOs who are successful? What do they have in common?

Theresia Gouw

So I think all of the amazing CEO founders that I've met have a few things in common. First and foremost is I think that they are building something because they believe what they're doing is going to impact the world and make it better in some way. Now, by that, I don't mean, not everyone's trying to cure cancer. Actually, I don't even do healthcare investments. But I mean, they're doing something that they think if they succeed, it's going to make meaningful impact to the customers, however, they define that, that they're trying to serve.


They will have solved a big problem. However they define that.

Theresia Gouw

Yes, however they define it. And it's going to make a difference. They're not doing it... and as a byproduct, maybe they build a big company and they become financially successful. But that's not what it's about. That can't be what it's about. It's about making a difference for the people, whether those are consumers or businesses that are going to use their products. So I think that's at the core. The other thing about it, they're all incredibly driven, hard-working, bright. But I think the last part, and this is why I talk about teams, they're all able to articulate something and draw great people to join their teams. So in that sense, even though they may have very different leadership styles there is that something about them. Like especially, you know, if it's successful, whether it's 3 people, 10 people, 20 people, when you invest, if it's successful, it's going to be hundreds or thousands of people at that company. So that founding team, those founders or that CEO needs to, you know, need to be able to articulate a vision that's compelling not only for you to write a check, but to draw hundreds and thousands of people to join their teams to try to build that company and follow the cause, if you will.