Don’t Hide Problems

Theresia Gouw


Over the course of her long career, Theresia has been front and center witness to some spectacular implosions, usually a direct result of founders' flaws. Seeing so many growth trajectories has helped her to identify some big no-no's for entrepreneurs.


Over the course of her long career, Theresia has been front and center witness to some spectacular implosions, usually a direct result of founders’ flaws. Seeing so many growth trajectories has helped her to identify some big no-no’s for entrepreneurs.


What are some of the biggest failures in leadership that you have seen at companies?

Theresia Gouw

Well, I think that some of the ones that we've been reading and seeing about recently to me, I think at the core, it comes down to a couple of things which are almost always certain to result in, if not complete failure, but at least for sure, some setbacks. So I think number one is when a founder or founders are so control oriented that they don't share information with you, and I'm not even just talking about with their board like me, but if they're not sharing that information with the rest of the management team, particularly, obviously, people are usually pretty open about sharing good information. I mean, about the challenges. The reality is every company. No company, no endeavor is always everything works out perfectly. I can't think of a single person that I know whether that's in business or in anything else in life where that's happened. Right. So if you're not willing to share that information with the people who you brought on board to help you navigate those challenges, you know, and maybe you're so smart that 9 times out of 10 you'll figure it out yourself. But you know what? There's going to be that 10th time. And you would have probably gotten to that answer faster if you would have shared it with the people that know. So I think at core, that's the biggest red flag.