Venture Forth

Amy Banse


As a woman in VC, Amy has adapted her strategy to make the big deals happen, focusing on networking with other women and learning from women in similar positions.


As a woman in VC, Amy has adapted her strategy to make the big deals happen, focusing on networking with other women and learning from women in similar positions.


In venture, a lot of networking events where those valuable relationships are built happen at night.

Amy Banse

Yes, when a lot of women need to come home to their kids. But I have come to believe that women need to network with each other. Men come by that more naturally than women, in part because women don't feel they have the time to do it. I think we have to fight against that belief and find the time because network is important. And making a connection with other career women who are managing both jobs, mother and executive, and learning from them, commiserating with them, bonding with them is important both to an individual's personal success, but also, I think, important to giving women the confidence that they can rise through the ranks and get to the very top of their companies.