Greater Purpose Leadership Style Team Success

Trust and Teamwork

Jan Kang


Workplaces with high levels of trust among team members often inspire innovation and creativity. But how do leaders build trust in a virtual world? For Jan Kang, it means getting to know her team beyond “the functions of a workplace.” Hear her strategies for making personal connections.


Workplaces with high levels of trust among team members often inspire innovation and creativity. But how do leaders build trust in a virtual world? For Jan Kang, it means getting to know her team beyond “the functions of a workplace.” Hear her strategies for making personal connections.


What do you think are the biggest roadblocks to effective teamwork?

Jan Kang

I think a lack of trust, politics, self before team, those are all very devastating to successful teamwork. And it’s hard, it remotely, to build trust, and that’s been something that we’ve been working on. Now that the world is opening up a little bit more, I mean, we’re able to meet in person, I think that’s key.


Well, how do you build trust, as we are now coming out of the virtual world a little more, and we’re now in a hybrid world, sometimes it’s remote, sometimes it’s in person, how do you go about building those relationships revolving around trust?

Jan Kang

The times that we’ve gotten together, we’ve tried to have sessions where we are opening ourselves up to be vulnerable, sharing aspects of our lives, and our past that we may not know. And trying to understand each other as people, and not just functions at the workplace.
And that’s helped a little bit, it’s not a replacement for the in-person meeting, or that time together, but I think it steps towards it. It’s just, it’s a little longer when you are in the remote workplace. I mean, we are trying to get together as much as possible, and we recently actually just opened an office.
But even with an office, the world is different, not everybody’s in every day, and so, it’s kind of a little bit, not catch us as you can, but it’s helpful, but it’s not the way it was pre-pandemic.