Decision Making Growth Mindset Team Success

Finding Creative Solutions

Jan Kang


What do you do when you and your team encounter challenges that require more in-depth thinking? In this clip, Jan explains how she motivates her team to find creative solutions.


What do you do when you and your team encounter challenges that require more in-depth thinking? In this clip, Jan explains how she motivates her team to find creative solutions.


What about creativity? What strategies do you ha1ve for promoting creativity on your team, and in your organization as a whole?

Jan Kang

Well, it’s interesting, because I talked to you about the five dynamics: explore, excite, examine, and execute, and I’m high excite and high execute, not so high explorer. So, I joke that Mike is creative enough for all of us, but that being said, I’m very stubborn, and I try to keep, you know, if there’s an issue that needs to be resolved, I will just keep working at it.
And I think that if you know what is you’re trying to accomplish, and you’re willing to try a lot of different steps to get there, that you can come up with a creative solution. What I try to encourage on my team, is to say, this is what we’re trying to accomplish, right? I’m not going to tell you how to do it, but you know what it is, where we’re trying to go, and try to come up with different ways for us to get there.