Accountability Diversity & Inclusion

The Oprah Quadrant

Michele Lau


What does Oprah have to do with how Michele approaches hiring? Dive in to hear about the personality test that revealed Michele’s unconscious bias when it came to building her team.


What does Oprah have to do with how Michele approaches hiring? Dive in to hear about the personality test that revealed Michele’s unconscious bias when it came to building her team.


You oversee all things legal at GoDaddy. That’s from mergers and acquisitions to litigation to global policy, you name it. And that means dealing with a lot of people with very different modes of operating. So how do you effectively interact with them to overcome and perhaps even leverage those differences?

Michele Lau

Are you familiar with the DiSC Model? I can’t remember.


A little bit, yes.

Michele Lau

Yeah. Okay, so it’s a model where you kind of plot people into four quadrants, and then there is a famous person in each quadrant. And, of course, part of the lesson is that you have leaders of all different personality types.
I am in the whatever the quadrant is where Oprah is the famous person. And when I did the DiSC exercise with my team, almost everybody was in the Oprah quadrant.


Oh, that's interesting.

Michele Lau

I haven’t done it with my current team yet, but with my old team, the team that I hired.



Michele Lau

But I realized, oh, my gosh, that’s my unconscious bias in hiring. And so when you ask that question, I thought, I don’t think I’m very good, actually, at building teams and different communication styles.


That’s a really honest answer, and I appreciate that because I think a lot of us do that. We hire people that we’re most comfortable with.

Michele Lau

Right. So that’s why I struggled a little bit with that answer, because I thought, oh, I share that.


I think that reflects great self-awareness, Michele. So then what do you do to intentionally change that and so that you do build a more diverse team going forward?