Communication Networking

Strategic Networking

Steven Galanis


Steven knows first hand the important role networking plays in leading a successful business. But he finds some forms of networking more effective than others. In this clip, he explains why he’d rather make more personal one-on-one connections.


Steven knows first hand the important role networking plays in leading a successful business. But he finds some forms of networking more effective than others. In this clip, he explains why he’d rather make more personal one-on-one connections.


What role does networking play in your leadership success, and how did you go about building that network?

Steven Galanis

Despite being a big extrovert, I’m actually not a huge fan of peer networking, in a big room, throw me in, big cocktail party. I really prefer just curated groups. And so many of the people that I’ve met have been really impactful for my life. Those have come from referrals from other people, right? So, it’s being passionate and letting people know what you’re looking for, and also trying to say, “Hey, here’s how I can help you.”
And then once you’ve been helped, just being very open, like “Here’s what I’m trying to learn, here’s the type of people I’m trying to meet, does anyone know this person?” And if you open the door for me, I will walk through it, but I like to be walked into somewhere as opposed to being in the big room and winning at the cocktail party.