Shameless in Asking for Help

Komal Ahmad


At the beginning of her startup career, Komal Ahmad was well aware of her knowledge gaps and business inexperience. In fact, as she puts it, "there was more I didn't know than I did know." Her first step was to find the best and brightest and inspire them to end hunger.


At the beginning of her startup career, Komal Ahmad was well aware of her knowledge gaps and business inexperience. In fact, as she puts it, “there was more I didn’t know than I did know.” Her first step was to find the best and brightest and inspire them to end hunger.

Komal talks with Thuy about how she managed to build Copia despite her lack of experience and knowledge. A big secret: not being afraid to ask the best people you can find to join your cause.


How did you make up for that lack of experience in starting and leading a mission-driven company like COPIA?

Komal Ahmad

Oh I surrounded myself with the best people I was shameless in asking anyone and everyone for help, I'm still shameless. I mean I know I there's more things that I don't know than I do know but I know that I can find someone who will know it.


And you convince them to join your team

Komal Ahmad

Or yes or to be you know full-time advisor or to be an investor or to be you know yes to just jump in.


So after leader what's your pitch to them when you find these talented people and you want them on your team as the leader what do you say to them?

Komal Ahmad

I just tell them why I joined why I started this why I believe in it not necessarily that why they should believe in it I mean this is you know I wasn't born wanting to solve world hunger it just became something that really resonated with me maybe because I'm an immigrant maybe because my parents always said to me a Komal you know people are starving in Pakistan so don't waste your food.



Komal Ahmad

And you know though truthful what I didn't realize when I was growing up was that people go hungry here right here in our backyard and so this is not a faraway problem this is a problem that we can address right here in our community and so for me the way that I was able to scale this is I found people who were much smarter than me in every possible arena and I mean we're still building our team out and I think that this is something that everyone can get behind.

You know this is, this is the world's dumbest problem not because hunger sucks but because we waste three times more food than there are mouths to feed. So this is not something that just one woman can do this is not just a meal ed thing this is something that is more than a company it is a movement and I just so happen to be the leader of that movement but that movement requires some very talented committed people you know dedicating their life to achieving something that's bigger than themselves.