Principal Dan

Dan Springer


Once someone has onboarded at DocuSign, the next step is ensuring they are effective, productive, and flourishing. That's where Dan Springer transforms from CEO to Principal, handing out report cards with grades based on aggressive, yet measurable, goals.


Once someone has onboarded at DocuSign, the next step is ensuring they are effective, productive, and flourishing. That’s where Dan Springer transforms from CEO to Principal, handing out report cards with grades based on aggressive, yet measurable, goals.

Once someone has onboarded at DocuSign, the next step is ensuring they are effective, productive, and flourishing. That’s where Dan Springer transforms from CEO to Principal, handing out report cards with grades based on aggressive, yet measurable, goals.


So once you've brought in new members on board are there principles that you let you work on to instill across the organization to help me to help make sure that that everyone is their most productive and is their most engaged?

Dan Springer

Yeah I mean I think there's a couple things one is we want to have challenging goals and I actually think that a lot of planning people have about human resources approaches and strategies and components you're describing are not always the most effective way to get there I find the best way to get there is engaging with our teams on solving hard problems so we do very aggressive goals that we set and I lay out the beginning of each year we have four so four big categories we talk about the product innovation we want we want to have how we're gonna drive customer adoption of our products and then customer success how we are gonna be financially successful we have certain you know economic goals public company and then lastly how we're gonna make this the place where our employees do the work of their lives and then we have very specific measurements in each quarter I create a scorecard I sit down with the company I walk and I give a letter grade I'm a notoriously hard grader.


An actual report card, principal Dan?

Dan Springer

Yeah we just had one on last Wednesday we had three A minuses and a B which is one of the highest we've ever gotten and I don't believe in grade inflation you know I grew up C is you know average a B is good.


Any opportunities for extra credit at DocuSign?

Dan Springer

You can't. No A pluses we don't have that but we do put that focus on here the specific things that drive the grades and that I think is what really drives performance and people have measurable goals that they're going after that they believe are part of the strategy and the vision for what we can do and that's how we try to interact with people more than sort of a more like an HR program we try to do it on the work.