Growth Mindset Values & Purpose

Personal and Corporate Value Alignment

Cindy Goodrich


Cindy Goodrich has more than 2 decades of experience creating meaningful connections between brands and people. In this clip, she reflects back on her professional journey and the sabbatical that led her to her current role as Chief Marketing Officer at BetterUp.


Cindy Goodrich has more than 2 decades of experience creating meaningful connections between brands and people. In this clip, she reflects back on her professional journey and the sabbatical that led her to her current role as Chief Marketing Officer at BetterUp.


You are a seasoned builder of brands for both big and small companies. Tell us a little bit about your professional journey and how that brought you to where you are today.

Cindy Goodrich

Yeah, so I’ve been in marketing and tech for over 20 years and I actually started my marketing career in consumer, working at companies like Starwood, which were really focused on brand building and then moved over to Google, and that’s really when I shifted more into the tech space.
And so I went to a startup and then ended up at a startup at the time called HubSpot. And I was there for about six years and was there when we went from growing from 200 people to a few thousand. My team went from like seven to 70 and we went from marketing to marketing sales, customer success, and we grew in every way, shape and form.
And it was one of those things going on six years there where I had this moment that I was like, okay, I built a really strong leadership team, they’re in great shape and I think my work here is done, if I’m being honest. Like, when I was thinking of this, I was feeling like it was time for something else.
And the leadership team there was really wonderful and I was overdue for a sabbatical and they let me take my sabbatical and I said, “Hey, I’m going to use this time to really figure out what I want to do next.”
And so I had that opportunity to just take that space, take that time and to really think about what mattered and for me, where I was looking to go next in my career. And it was interesting, I actually started working on my own project in the mindfulness and meditation space and was kind of like working on it with some friends and some folks that I’d worked with across my career and got to a point where I was like, “Okay, am I going forward with this. Am I really doing this or do I really want to start taking some of the calls that have come in?”
And around the time as I was thinking about that, BetterUp reached out to me and it was just really interesting because philosophically we were really aligned, right? So the company has always, from its beginning, thought about how do you take this proactive approach? How do you recognize that it’s not about fixing people, it’s not that everyone is broken, that it’s really about helping people build the foundation, build skills, build practices, to just prepare them for what comes, right?
And that was actually very aligned with a lot of the work that I was doing personally. And then also from a brand perspective, really being a part of something where it was a moment to really build the brand. So, the company had been around for seven years and was in this interesting transition phase of getting ready to accelerate. And it was time for us to really step back and say, okay, who is BetterUp? How should we show up? What do we want to be in the market?
And so just the opportunity to build the brand, the opportunity to build the team, and also just the philosophical alignment and alignment with the mission of what we were trying to do, it just all sort of came together, and that’s how I ended up here.