
Owning Up to Your Mistakes

Jan Kang


One thing that sets great leaders apart from good leaders is how they handle their mistakes. Jan Kang believes it’s always important to own up to one's mistakes, even if it’s a little embarrassing.


One thing that sets great leaders apart from good leaders is how they handle their mistakes. Jan Kang believes it’s always important to own up to one’s mistakes, even if it’s a little embarrassing.


Can you give an example of that, when you did make a mistake, and you had to say, you know what? I’m sorry. I didn’t get it right, but I’m going to be better next time.

Jan Kang

’ll share a small one, one startup where it was just insane, I was the only person in legal, the only person in HR, the only person in the facility…


You did it all.

Jan Kang

And I had too many email windows opened, and I accidentally sent a group of employees something about immigration, but it had an attachment with the offer letter from a former executive. And I was like, “Oh my God, I can’t believe I sent that.” My hope was that, because people mostly read things on their phone, that they wouldn’t see the attachment. But that being said, I went to both the CEO and the CFO, and I told them that I did this, because for me it was important to come clean about it, because I didn’t want them to be surprised. And I told them that yes, this was a result of my trying to do things too quickly, and that I would try to slow down and be more careful in the future.


And how did they receive that?

Jan Kang

For a moment, I did think, well, if I don’t tell them, maybe they’ll never find out.


I think we’ve all had those moments. And when you did finally come clean, how was it received?

Jan Kang

I think they appreciate the fact that I told them. It’s tough with startups sometimes, because if you do slow down too much, and if you are really careful, there’s a cost there as well. So, it’s trying to strike that right balance. So, I think they appreciated the fact that I did have so much on my plate. And fortunately, nobody ever raised the issue. I think that if it had come up, that could have been a different situation, where they would’ve had a tougher situation to deal with.