Greater Purpose Leadership Style Leading Change

Honesty Over Everything

Jan Kang


For Jan Kang, transparency comes with great responsibility. But it doesn’t mean she reveals everything all at once. In this clip, she explains how honesty guides her leadership style.


For Jan Kang, transparency comes with great responsibility. But it doesn’t mean she reveals everything all at once. In this clip, she explains how honesty guides her leadership style.


In what ways would you say your individual values, or your organization’s values show up on a daily or weekly basis in your work?

Jan Kang

With regard to the honesty piece, one of our company values is “products, not promises.” So, that actually shows up in our workplace. But I try to be as open and straightforward with our employees, with our team, with our customers as I can be. What I generally will tell our employees is, I can’t share everything with you, but know that I won’t lie to you.
And that, to me, is very important, and I think it helps build trust. As far as generosity, I like to do what’s right for our employees, for the team, for our customers. I’ve never liked it when I’ve been in places where the squeaky wheel is the one that gets greased. I think that that concept tends to reward a certain demographic, a certain type of personality, which for me being shy was the one that benefited from that. And I think it’s important to recognize things without people having to toot their own horn.
And as far as responsibility, I try to take ownership for things that I need to when I make a mistake. And I expect others to do the same.