Leading Virtually

Benno Dorer


How do you lead in a virtual world? For Benno Dorer, CEO of Clorox, it comes down to 3 easy points: Focus, Communicate, Take care of people.


How do you lead in a virtual world? For Benno Dorer, CEO of Clorox, it comes down to 3 easy points: Focus, Communicate, Take care of people.


What are your three top pieces of advice for leading virtually?

Benno Dorer

They are pretty simple, I might just sum up some of the thought concepts I've given before. The first one is the focus, critical, second is communicate it, even more, critical, and the third one is don't forget to take care of people and their well-being and understand everybody's human being and everybody goes through phases of being down and perhaps even being depressed and questioning what we do and feeling overwhelmed and acknowledging that and helping people through that.