Getting the Most out of Employees

Benno Dorer


To maximize his employees' performance during COVID-19, Benno had to instill a sense of purpose in his team. From "quiet days" to a holistic approach to well-being, Benno's focus on self-care and the individual is something any leader can learn from.


To maximize his employees’ performance during COVID-19, Benno had to instill a sense of purpose in his team. From “quiet days” to a holistic approach to well-being, Benno’s focus on self-care and the individual is something any leader can learn from.


Benno Dorer

Well, beyond that, what I would say is really just focusing on how we can get the most performance out of people, knowing that everybody's struggling in this environment. And two things I think were particularly important, first of all, instilling a sense of purpose. You know, we're fortunate as a company that we make a great difference to a lot of people throughout this pandemic, whether that's disinfecting products or our other products that people rely on, as they stay more at home. And that gives people pride and they know they make a real difference to a lot of people, some of them their friends and their family. And you know, if you have a sense of purpose and meaning, that gives you a little extra kick at work and when you're tired, you'd give a few extra percent. So we really focused on being into the foreground, this purpose that our company has in this time.

And then lastly, coming back to what I said a few minutes ago, we really focused a lot on people's wellbeing. We have quiet days as a company. There are days where we do this once a month, where we don't have meetings at all, no meetings, no one has meetings. That allows you to just be off your screens. We've given people free access to apps like Calm or Joyable, and we really encourage people and have provided learning experiences for them on a consistent basis to take care of themselves and to take care of their wellbeing and not burnout. No one's served if people work their butts off, pardon my language, for a month and then burn out. But we really make sure that we encourage people to take breaks, be away from screens, be with their family, be with their friends, go out for walks, that really matters. So I would say it's a combination of all of these things that's helped our company cope quite well. There's no blueprint. There's no recipe.