Leading and Reading

Chris Larsen


How do you learn how to be a good learner? Chris models a growth mindset for his employees, taking courses, reading books, and focusing on expanding his skillset.


How do you learn how to be a good learner? Chris models a growth mindset for his employees, taking courses, reading books, and focusing on expanding his skillset.


You've seen so much change in technology during your nearly 30 years as an entrepreneur, what are your top tips for leading through change?

Chris Larsen

So, I think reading a lot, right? And number one is, learning how to be a good learner, so I'm always doing some kind of course work on my own, and so right now, I'm trying to really get smart about climate change, which means you have to get smarter about chemistry and even geology, so I've just got my two geology books in the mail yesterday, kind of textbooks, right?


Is this a self-learning thing or are you actually enrolled in a program of some sort?

Chris Larsen

Yeah, I tried that but mostly self, I think you can learn faster that way and there's so many great resources - obviously online, with audiobooks, and textbooks, and so I really enjoy that, right? Actually, I wish I had done more of that even in the early days. Maybe I didn't have as much time, but yeah, it's kind of wandering around and being curious. Obviously, keeping up on events is really, really important. Having a real diversity of sources that you look to, probably not going to too many conferences, I think, a good thing about COVID, actually, I think it's really cut down a lot of that wasted conference time, but just kind of self-learning, I think, is really, really helpful. It's satisfying, and then you can kind of connect the dots because I think a lot of this is really about, oh, okay, this thing going on over here and this thing going on over here and I think that's where the magic happens, right, where the real experts in those disciplines are too into their disciplines, and the great thing about starting businesses or being a founder is youÕre kind of free to not look at those lines between disciplines and you can kind of combine then, and then magic happens, right?