Impossible is Nothing

Komal Ahmad


What are the words Komal Ahmad lives by? She shares some of her biggest life lessons with Thuy, including these words from Mohammed Ali: Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion... Impossible is nothing.


What are the words Komal Ahmad lives by? She shares some of her biggest life lessons with Thuy, including these words from Mohammed Ali: Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion… Impossible is nothing.

Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion. Those are words that can inspire some big dreams. Read a few of the gems that keep Komal going, and going, and going.


For someone who is an aspiring leader, can you share with us three things that you wish you had known before you started this journey?

Komal Ahmad

Yeah, absolutely. One a closed mouth doesn't get fed. You want something, you have to ask for it. You have to demand it and you know no doesn't mean never. It just means not now and impossible is nothing you know so many people along my journey have said come on Komal solving hunger reducing waste dramatically that's impossible to which I now respond with the words of the late and great Muhammad Ali that, impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who prefer to live in a world as it is instead of using the power they have to challenge it, to change it, to improve it.

Impossible is not a fact it's an opinion. Impossible is temporary impossible is nothing. Impossible does not exist and it should not exist. We cannot tolerate a world where we waste three times more food than there are mouths to feed we will not tolerate it and so what I've also realized is that you can't do this alone. It does require people and and and gala and galvanizing some of the smartest people around you you know one woman with a simple idea can make a world of a difference but a group of people banded together can rid the world of one of the most unnecessary and solvable problems.