Lonely at the Top

Komal Ahmad


Komal Ahmad on leadership: It's not glamorous. Sometimes it can be brutal, even when you're doing good in the world. But her passion keeps her going.


Komal Ahmad on leadership: It’s not glamorous. Sometimes it can be brutal, even when you’re doing good in the world. But her passion keeps her going.

Komal Ahmad shares some of the struggles she’s had on the road to leadership. It’s definitely not glamorous. But it’s worth it.


What advice do you have for a young person who wants to start a business or perhaps lead you know a cause that they're very passionate about?

Komal Ahmad

Yeah, I mean I think that you can be a leader without starting an organization or even starting a movement you can be a leader in your church and your mosque. In a student organization in your family on your team within your company I don't think that needs to just because you're passionate about something that means that you need to create an organization because it is not a very glamorous life at all.


But we see it in the movies.

Komal Ahmad

I mean yeah of course and you see it you see even Mark Zuckerberg and the Jack Dorsey's of the world and you know I think that, the glamorous side of that is maybe point zero zero one percent. At least that's true for me.


What is it truly like?

Komal Ahmad

Brutal, brutal it is like you are constantly getting punched in the face and you know sometimes I think I'm doing something good in the world I can only imagine if I was creating another gadget or a widget how much harder it would be because at the end of the day like I know that there's a purpose behind the struggle. You know that there is a reason why I get out of bed every morning there's a reason why I overcome my doubts my insecurities to achieve something that's bigger than myself. It's but it's brutal.


Can you, Can you explain that? Like well when you say it's like getting punched in the face every day what are some of the things that you have to deal with every day as a leader and an entrepreneur?

Komal Ahmad

I mean you are managing investors, you're managing employees, you're managing you know customers who you want to make sure that they're achieving the receiving the best customer experience. You want to make sure your employees are satisfied you know employees cats die, their partners you know get diagnosed with cancer, your investor have very aggressive targets that they need you to hit you know. I'm also a solo founder and so you know on top of being a female immigrant Muslim founder it doesn't necessarily make it any easier for me.


That's saying it's lonely at the top.

Komal Ahmad

It is lonely for sure.