I Came Into this Work Scared

Atul Tandon


Tandon uprooted his entire life and family when he left the financial world. But taking the plunge was worth it. In a life full of surprises, Atul is always convinced that "tomorrow will be better than today."


Tandon uprooted his entire life and family when he left the financial world. But taking the plunge was worth it. In a life full of surprises, Atul is always convinced that “tomorrow will be better than today.”


As you look back on your journey over the last 20 years and doing nonprofit work, how would you say you have grown as the leader?

Atul Tandon

I came into this work scared whether I would actually, you know, survive when and how would I do it was a very big transition for us. How would my family do, you know? And the kids would do. At that time, we moved from New York City to Seattle. Literally across the country. My wife and I decided that this was going to be a complete break. We are not going to fly. So we took the train. We took the slow, slow way. It was a beautiful journey, lovely journey. Today as I look back and, you know, I can look back at the people I've met, the places I've been to, and I can get a sense of satisfaction that the people I met, the places I've been to are doing well. Our family's done well over those years, so that's been a joy to witness our kids, our own kids can come to flourish. And in that, for me, the person has been just a personal sense of thanks giving. Growing up in India, I would never have thought I'd be sitting here with you today. I would never thought that I would have gone to camps in Darfur and helped. I would never have thought that at the same time, I could be down in Durban, in South Africa, with United Way and getting together a chapter of local leaders to start a new chapter and see what they could do for their community. So it's been a life that has been full of surprises. It's been a life that's been full of joy. I can tell you tomorrow will be better than today. Yesterday was better than the day before.

I'll give you a stat. Every day, for the last probably about 30 years. One hundred and twenty five thousand people have gotten out of extreme poverty.


Every single day?

Atul Tandon

Every day.


That is something to appreciate.

Remember if we could throw a party at somebody graduates to going to bed on a full stomach, rising up to a sustainable wage, we would be partying every minute.