Who Do You Admire Most

Atul Tandon


What advice does Atul Tandon wish he would have heard as a young leader? He shares Warren Buffet's conviction that to, 'Go and find the people you admire the most and go work for them,' is a great way to start.


What advice does Atul Tandon wish he would have heard as a young leader? He shares Warren Buffet’s conviction that to, ‘Go and find the people you admire the most and go work for them,’ is a great way to start.


As a leader, what lessons have you learned along the way that you wish you had known much earlier, from the start?

Atul Tandon

I think one of the lessons and Warren Buffett said this in a recent interview when asked about early career advice. And he said, if I could live my career over again, what would I do? I'd go find the people I admire the most and go to work for them. That will make sure that I get out of bed every day. I'm looking forward to the job that I'm doing. I'm looking forward to the person I'm going to hang out with, other the people of the organization. And I'm having fun. So he said, go do it.

Now, I wish Mr. Buffett had said that when I was starting my career! That would be my actually my most important lessons is very recently from Mr. Buffett.

And I recommend that to anybody who is starting over at 20 or 25 younger people, I'd say that as you're living, as you're working on your career, as you're growing your career. I'll go back to my themes in life. Be conscious about yourself. Pay attention to yourself. Pay attention to who you are. One, be at peace with yourself. But, you know, invest in yourself. Two is, trust in the people around you. Or if you don't have them, then find people around you that you can trust. Goes back to Buffett, goes back to admiring the people that you work with. And once you find them, trust in them and then make sure that you're committed to working together. And I find if you're even in the world of Silicon Valley or frankly, if in the world of businesses that we run at the bottom of the pyramid, what we find is that people who stick together, grow together, they are the ones who thrive together.