Greater Purpose Leading Change Values & Purpose

Finding Your North Star

Cindy Goodrich


What’s the best way for a leader to navigate change that they have no control over? For Cindy, it comes down to staying focused on her north star.


What’s the best way for a leader to navigate change that they have no control over? For Cindy, it comes down to staying focused on her north star.


Much of your career has revolved around technology and you mentioned including Google and HubSpot and now BetterUp. And these are all exciting industries, but as so often is the case with tech and many other industries, but especially so with tech, I think changes happen so rapidly. How do you deal with constant and uncertainty, constant change, constant ambiguity?

Cindy Goodrich

Yeah, I mean, I think part of it is, one, knowing that that is the world that we’re in. There will be constant change and constant certainty or uncertainty and ambiguity. I think part of it, though, is also just really being clear on what is that North Star.
And so regardless of how the world changes around, whether it’s within your team, whether it’s within your organization, or whether it’s within the world, it’s understanding what are we here to do? And keeping focus on that and being able to flex with that.
I mean, I do think a lot of it is also just really working on that mindset and doing that work. And so a lot of what we’ve seen, particularly in the past couple of years, where there’s been so much change and so much uncertainty and just so much instability externally has been, you know, as people are putting in the time to really focus on themselves and focus on building their resilience and focusing on just understanding that they need to create space to think and to put in that time, that they’re able to actually handle that change in that ambiguity even better.
And so they’re able to take those moments to step back and then say, okay, wait, everything might feel like it’s swirling, but how do we get it to stop and then we can move forward.