Everyone Needs a Therapist

Komal Ahmad


She's fed 3 million people, and inspired countless others. But who does Copia founder Komal Ahmad turn to when she needs to be uplifted?


She’s fed 3 million people, and inspired countless others. But who does Copia founder Komal Ahmad turn to when she needs to be uplifted?

Let’s face it — none of us can afford to ignore our own mental, emotional wellbeing. Komal talks very frankly with Thuy about some of the ways she copes with the pressures and stresses of life and work.


Who or what do you turn to when you when you Komal need inspiration?

Komal Ahmad

Yeah, my gosh. I umm I'm very fortunate I have an incredible executive coach. I have an amazing mom. This year I invested in getting a therapist and I really made my mental health a priority and it's something that I very much advocate within the team as well and I'm hoping that by me sharing the fact that you know I am getting it I'm getting therapy that this will also take away any stigma and really encourage them to do the same thing because I think mental health is just such a critical I mean I have to invest in the long-term longevity of myself. Right you know, what did they say when you get on a plane you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you help anyone else. So that is one of the things that you know has become a huge priority for me. So when I am in need of inspiration or it is it is those fine people as well as you know I have a network of really amazing incredible badass women that are around me that are very nourishing and encouraging and inspiring themselves and so they very much uplift me.


I think that's beautiful that you're willing to be so vulnerable with your own team that I'm yeah I'm the head and the founder in the CEO but I need therapy.

Komal Ahmad

Yeah yeah and I think I mean I say it to my family too I think that first of all I think everyone needs a therapist. I think everyone's got something that.



Komal Ahmad

It's not even issues it's like challenges that someone to an unbiased perspective to bounce ideas off of to you know work through problems of your past or relationship issues or you know company issues or organizational issues or you know it is it was just so common and I think that dealing with it head-on is not something and particularly in maybe South Asian culture it's just it's just mental health is something that's so taboo it's not something that's talked about and I think that it's just something again so critical to become a transformational leader you have to have the mental bandwidth and the fortitude to be able to actually withstand all of the challenges that come your way.