Much Farther to Go

Komal Ahmad


After a tough few months at Copia, Komal Ahmad visited home, completely spent. Her mother came to the rescue with some challenging encouragement: "Oh Komal, did you think this was going to be easy?... You didn't come this far to only come this far."


After a tough few months at Copia, Komal Ahmad visited home, completely spent. Her mother came to the rescue with some challenging encouragement: “Oh Komal, did you think this was going to be easy?… You didn’t come this far to only come this far.”

Sometimes you need a little comfort, mixed with some strong encouragement. Chances are you can do more than you think you can. Consider these words for yourself, and for those you lead.


Komal Ahmad

As someone who's very close to my family I went home for the first time and you know after months saw my mom and my brother and I remember just you know I was a hundred and seventeen pounds in February and I was a hundred and four pounds in June I mean and I didn't even know like how do you lose you know thirteen pounds and and not know.



Komal Ahmad

And I remember saying to my mom I was like mom mom....Which means mom I'm just so exhausted and you know I just cried so much that week and then my mom had said you know finally I think she could tell that I was near a breaking point yeah and so she said oh Komal did you think this was gonna be easy you? You know nothing in life worth while is easy you know you're Silicon Valley every idiot has an idea but you you made it into a reality against all odds you took nothing and you made it into something and you didn't come this far to only come this far. So yes you might be tired take a rest but you're not quitting. You're not giving up and you know I think my brother also is like I remember saying time I was like what if I'm not competent enough to do this and my brother said and what do you mean can you do this? You're already doing this you're gonna feed three million people that doesn't just happen. It doesn't just like accidentally happen this is something that you created.

I mean I think one thing that's really amazing it took us you know a while to get to our first million people fed and they took us about a third of those time to get to 2 million people fed so something is working here right this technology is actually scaling you know companies are seeing the benefit the ROI by working with Copia. So yeah I think that goes back to having you know a support system around you who believe in you particularly in your darkest moments.