Feedback & Coaching

Coaching vs. Mentoring

Trier Bryant


A coach and a mentor can contribute to a future leader’s success, but they are not one and the same. Here, Trier breaks down how relationships with a coach and a mentor differ.


A coach and a mentor can contribute to a future leader’s success, but they are not one and the same. Here, Trier breaks down how relationships with a coach and a mentor differ.


Can you tell us about a mentor who’s had perhaps the biggest impact on you? And what were the key factors that would you say were the driving factors in why that relationship works so well?

Trier Bryant

One, we have to understand, it’s important that we understand the difference between coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship. So, to me, a coach is thinking of your manager or someone on your team and that’s that day-to-day engagement to help you develop, like they’re coaching, you got to practice every day, your coach is telling you what to do so you can constantly get better. Mentorship is someone that you seek them out when you have a question you want their insight and someone to ask you good questions. But you’re really seeking them out and I actually believe that the lift on a mentoring relationship should be on the mentee.