Communication Team Success Values & Purpose

Practicing Patience

Trier Bryant


Trier Bryant believes practicing patience has helped her to become a more effective leader. It’s an important skill she harnesses to keep her team on the same page as they execute their goals together.


Trier Bryant believes practicing patience has helped her to become a more effective leader. It’s an important skill she harnesses to keep her team on the same page as they execute their goals together.


If you were to select one skill now or one competency that you would like to develop as a leader, what would that be and why?

Trier Bryant

Patience. I think I lean in with patience for others on personal matters. But having patience with the work that we do. I move very quickly. I will say, “Oh, we only need to meet with a client twice to get this across the line.” And my team will be like, “Are we sure?” Yes, twice, let’s go. And then five meetings later, we’re still getting them across the line. So, I think it’s just having patience that everyone is not going to execute, everyone is not going to operate or get folks across the line on the same path. And so, I definitely need to practice patience.