Communication Team Success

Closing the Distance Gap

Kate Renwick-Espinosa


In some ways, remote work has actually brought people closer together. Kate explains how before the pandemic, employees only interacted with people in their building. Learn about the strategies VSP is implementing to bring workers together – not only in the US but across the globe.


In some ways, remote work has actually brought people closer together. Kate explains how before the pandemic, employees only interacted with people in their building. Learn about the strategies VSP is implementing to bring workers together – not only in the US but across the globe.


In this remote environment, you have found a way to bring people even closer together than they might have been in a physical brick-and-mortar kind of environment.

Kate Renwick-Espinosa

Exactly. And the other thing too, is in the previous environment, even if you did cross paths with someone, it would be because you were in the same building as them. But we had team members spread out across the US and across the world. So that’s the other thing too is, I cannot believe how much we were limited by proximity bias that I didn’t even realize before, but the people I saw were the people who happen to be in the building I was working in. And now it’s just so much more inclusive across the board.