Act Immediately

Chris Larsen


Tough conversations are part of doing business. Addressing one of the tougher aspects of running a company, Chris' advice is short and to the point.


Tough conversations are part of doing business. Addressing one of the tougher aspects of running a company, Chris’ advice is short and to the point.


I want to go back to hires and partners because it's so critical, especially when you're a startup, to get the right people on board. Were there instances though where you made some bad hires or perhaps partnered with someone who was not a good match? What happened and how did you handle it?

Chris Larsen

Yeah, that happens all the time because one thing, you have tremendous uncertainty in a startup, you might think you need this type of experience, this type of person, and then things change, so it's just going to happen, you're just going to have to kind of face that there are going to be tough conversations to have, and nobody likes to have those conversations, right? But I kind of think of it in two ways. One, there's definitely the wrong hire and then the biggest, so that's going to happen, but the biggest error people make and I made this all the time, so the moment you realize that's the wrong person, to the moment you do something about it, that's just pure waste and pure badness for both the person and for you, and the company, and it's hard, right? You want to always give somebody a second chance, maybe it'll work out, and it never works out that way, so kind of the minute you realize that, you're never going to regret that. It's not going to be easy, but they're never going to regret that either.