A Little Help From my Friends

Amy Banse


In this clip, reminiscent of Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations," Amy reflects on strengths and leadership qualities that she has adapted from her friends and peers, from the CEO of Clorox to Comcast's Roberts brothers.


In this clip, reminiscent of Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations,” Amy reflects on strengths and leadership qualities that she has adapted from her friends and peers, from the CEO of Clorox to Comcast’s Roberts brothers.


When you need inspiration, who or what do you turn to?

Amy Banse

I've had the excellent good fortune of working with some of the best CEOs out there. Barron's 30, best, top 30 CEOs, Fortune 100 CEOs in Ralph and Brian Roberts. Ralph is the founder of Comcast and Brian is the current CEO. I'm on the board of Adobe and Shantanu Narayan, who's the CEO of Adobe , is a spectacular CEO. And I'm also on the board of Clorox. And Benno Dorrer is the CEO OF Clorox. And all of them are incredible at what they do.

Ralph taught me the importance of listening to and developing a relationship with the people you work with, whether or not they're on your team or the company sitting across the table from you. Success is in part doing business with people who want to do business with you, the importance of building rapport and relationships.

Brian is the master of empowering his team and making each of us feel like we're owners and giving us the authority and latitude to drive our piece of the business forward.

Shantanu is an innovator and has an incredible ability to reinvent his business.

And then Benno is the prophet of good growth, sustainable growth and ethical growth.

And all four of them have or had, in Ralph's case, appreciated the power of team and have incredible long, long tenured, loyal, masterful teams. And so that's where I draw my inspiration from.