100,000 Cybersecurity Badges

Sylvia Acevedo


Facing more than her share of disadvantages, Sylvia Acevedo realized achieving her ambitions wasn’t going to be easy. Fortunately, the Girls Scouts taught her how to “create opportunity.”


Facing more than her share of disadvantages, Sylvia Acevedo realized achieving her ambitions wasn’t going to be easy. Fortunately, the Girls Scouts taught her how to “create opportunity.”

How about a cybersecurity badge? This is the new face of Girl Scouting. Under Sylvia Acevedo’s leadership, Girl Scouts is focused on rich new programming that girls find deeply compelling.


The Girl Scouts has been around for more than a hundred years. It has a rich sense of tradition, of history, but it's also seeing a decline in membership. How difficult is it to reconcile that sense of tradition with the fresh approaches that you're trying to take to move it forward into the next century?

Sylvia Acevedo

So you know, the first thing is I focused on is how do I make, how do we make this relevant for girls? If you can make it fun, relevant and safe for girls, that's where you start. And that's why we focused on our programming because we have to have programming that they want to do. I'll tell you we're such a success, like right now in our first year, our cybersecurity badges alone, a hundred thousand badges being earned. I mean that's ten thousand a month and it's not just in areas like San Francisco or Boston. It's in North Dakota. It's in Alaska. It's in rural areas of Alabama and it's because we know how to make programming that is really compelling to girls and the way girls learn and lead.

So for us, that's where we started and when you look at the measures of success, of turning membership around, one of the first indicators are retention rates and relevancy, and I've got to tell you both numbers and indicators are way up. We're seeing our relevancy rates really rise. Then it's introducing Girl Scouts so that people realize we're not just girls who cookie, but we're girls who do so many other things about leadership, outdoors, you know, wonderful STEM and clearly entrepreneurship as well. And so that's the second part, but our indicators of turning that around are way up and the first, is is it fun, safe and relevant for girls? And girls are telling us yes.