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Combating Cybersecurity with Optimism

Jan Kang


Cybersecurity is one of the biggest threats facing our nation, and it’s only going to get more serious. Combatting these threats is a daunting task but Jan Kang still remains optimistic. Learn what motivates her and her team at Stairwell, as they face some of the world’s toughest problems.


Cybersecurity is one of the biggest threats facing our nation, and it’s only going to get more serious. Combatting these threats is a daunting task but Jan Kang still remains optimistic. Learn what motivates her and her team at Stairwell, as they face some of the world’s toughest problems.


You tend to work at companies that tackle really big challenges, among them cybersecurity, one of the biggest today. I would imagine there are numerous obstacles that pop up along the way. How do you maintain a realistic, yet positive attitude towards solving some really, really tough problems?

Jan Kang

They are really tough, and despite all of the cybersecurity companies that are in existence today, there are so many, we are continually getting attacked, right? And the problem’s not getting smaller, it’s only getting bigger. And it is a continual game of cat and mouse, and the consequences are so significant. So, I think knowing that if we are successful, that we can make a true difference in people’s lives.
People always ask me, “why do you focus on the enterprise? Why don’t you help consumers?” And my response is, “I don’t know about you, but if my information is out there, it’s because Lacrosse, Target, even Panera, they’ve been hacked, right?” And that’s where my credentials got leaked. It’s not because somebody is in my computer trying to spy on me as an individual. So, I think by helping companies, that we can help individuals.