
Circle Of Love

David Chun


How does David Chun view his extensive network? With gratitude. In this conversation with Thuy Vu, he discusses some of the finer points of networking.


How does David Chun view his extensive network? With gratitude. In this conversation with Thuy Vu, he discusses some of the finer points of networking.


You yourself have a huge network. What strategies do you use to strengthen your own network?

David Chun

I guess I've just been fortunate that I've had the opportunity to become friends with a number of great people along the way. There's definitely a certain degree of intentionality it and pre-COVID, I made it a point at least once a month to get out and go to an event to be able to meet new people. Right? Because there were just interesting people I met along the way, and I think a big part about networking is being able to find ways to help other people. As you meet people, just like yourself, we love connecting people like, oh, you need to meet so and so, right? And as you're naturally helping other people out, they're always wanting to help you out. And so it's just kind of the circle of love.


Yeah. I have to say, I learned from you many years ago when you first came to the Asian Pacific Fund Community Foundation board. I was already on the board, but I met you for the first time. And really in less than 24 hours, I got a LinkedIn invite from you to connect to LinkedIn. I was like, he's good. I'm going to learn from him. I'm going to do everything within a 24 hour window of when I first meet people. And you know what, I still do?

David Chun

LinkedIn, as we all know is a tremendous resource. And that's frankly, where I look at what we're doing with Equilar, with our boarded solution is really kind of filling out that top of the pyramid where, hey, we can help people connect. And especially on the diversity side hey, we can help identify a bunch of candidates. But more importantly, how is that company, how are they connected to those candidates? And if we can help show like, oh, so, and so knows that person. I can call that person up and say, hey, what do you know about Thuy? I was like Thuy is awesome. Then that helps Thuy and others out where as you see how the data's constructed to really help make the world feel much smaller.