Greater Purpose Leading Change Networking

Survivor Alliance

David Chun


One of Equilar's marquee partnerships is their collaboration with Nasdaq. What does that bring to the table? Credibility, accelerated opportunity, and more growth.


One of Equilar’s marquee partnerships is their collaboration with Nasdaq. What does that bring to the table? Credibility, accelerated opportunity, and more growth.


Equilar has a strategic partnership with NASDAQ to set up new SEC rules requiring company boards to diversify. What part do alliances play in your effectiveness as a leader?

David Chun

Such an important part. A, it's credibility, right? I mean, to have our name associated with NASDAQ, it says a lot about, candidly about us. NASDAQ could have picked anybody, right? To do that. Same thing on the journalism side, the New York Times, the Wall Street journal, there's so many other companies they could call up and say, hey, could you give us this data? So having that I guess endorsement stamp of approval. But also they've got access to people, companies, individuals we partner with NASDAQ not only on board diversity initiative, but we also partner with them on events. So we host our board leadership forum with them. So now they've been a tremendous partner and they've helped open up doors to other people we should be partnering with. I mean, there's so much you can do on your own, but getting the right alliance, the right partner can absolutely accelerate opportunities.