Faith Period

Chris Larsen


In the early stages of a business, teams are often held together by duct tape and a whole lot of faith. Chris' reflections on his early business days offer valuable insight into a successful mindset.


In the early stages of a business, teams are often held together by duct tape and a whole lot of faith. Chris’ reflections on his early business days offer valuable insight into a successful mindset.


Chris Larsen

So, I'm really good at kind of that faith period, the early period, the suspend reality period, ignore the advice from reasonable and thoughtful people just to kind of power through. I'm really good at that period. I suck at that period where you have to have the discipline of week in, week out objectives and leadership meetings. I mean, I go in those leadership meetings, it was like, wow that leadership meeting is in five minutes, boy, I really wish I had prepared for that meeting, and then you're going in there and you got 15 execs who are all amazing. What do you say to them? So, nothing worse than going into those leadership meetings week in, week out knowing you were not prepared, and I just get bored with that, right? So, if you can't do that as a founder, you need to get somebody in, and again, that all hangs on is the company hot enough to reach high enough and get one of those world-class execs in, and you see companies go two directions, I think, on that, either the founder is too pig-headed to understand they don't have that skillset in the next stage - it happens all the time, or again, they're not at a point where they can attract the best to take you there. Either one of them is fatal.