Yes Requires Action

Komal Ahmad


In Copia's early days, and even today, Komal Ahmad hears a lot of "no's." That's because "yes" requires action. But being young and not knowing any better worked to her advantage.


In Copia’s early days, and even today, Komal Ahmad hears a lot of “no’s.” That’s because “yes” requires action. But being young and not knowing any better worked to her advantage.

“No” is easy to say. And Komal hears it a lot. In the early days she just didn’t know how hard it would be. And that helped keep er going.


Komal Ahmad

It is a very complex problem because you're you're taking highly perishable prepared food you know food that's gonna go bad really quickly and you're giving it to real people to consume and so there's nonprofit that that can only accept you know packaged prepared ready to go food because they don't have a kitchen. There's other nonprofits that only want you know uncooked meat uncooked produce because they have to cook everything in-house and then there's some nonprofits in San Francisco that are like you know we only want gluten free vegan food, I'm like of coarse you do.


So what were some of the challenges that you faced in trying to do that here you were with a great student organization you then saw all the hurdles in the way and you thought I need to use more technology to make this as seamless as possible how'd you go from that student idea to actually launching a company and what were some of the roadblocks or hurdles along the way and how to overcome them?

Komal Ahmad

I am not a typical Silicon Valley girl I wasn't like I'm gonna go start a startup like I wanted to solve a problem and I slowly became obsessed with that problem and and solving it and you know I think I remember when I told my parents I wanted to give up you know pursuing the medical degree and my dad was like and and to pursue this and my dad's like you know I took you out of poverty and now you want to go live in poverty like why did you go to Berkeley? What was the point? And so you have...


I'm a child of immigrants to I get it.

Komal Ahmad

Exactly, So I mean that's just a small part of it right how are you gonna fund this I mean that that's another part of it how are you I mean I think that naivete that you have when you're younger and when you first start off is just it's so in your advantage because you don't know better.


You don't know failure.

Komal Ahmad

You don't know you you don't know what you don't know and you don't know all the things that can stop you and so I think for me what was difficult was how many people would default say no. Right, instead of yes because yes required action it's easy to say oh no because of a liability we don't do this or because of health code we don't do this.


Do you think maybe they might have said no as well because of your age did they look at you as someone who's young, no business experience how was she going to fix your problem?

Komal Ahmad

Sure, sure they still do that.