Work Wife Balance

Kara Goldin


Kara Goldin works side by side with her husband Theo, COO of the $90 million company she founded - Hint. As you can imagine, working with your partner delivers some entertaining stories...


Kara Goldin works side by side with her husband Theo, COO of the $90 million company she founded – Hint. As you can imagine, working with your partner delivers some entertaining stories…

Being husband and wife COO and CEO brings some real challenges and disrupts traditional notions of work/life balance. Read about how Kara and husband, Theo, manage in this topsy-turvy world.


So your husband Theo is Hint's COO. What is it like to work with your husband every day?

Kara Goldin

I mean it's great -- it's like it seems like it's less complicated then actually having a totally different career and he's got you know very different skill sets than I do, and I think just overall having somebody that you can just really rely on and depend on, and somebody that you've known for so long and is it's just amazing. And also somebody who's got your back too. I think as a CEO and and somebody that had this dream and this passion, I mean I think for him, jumping in it was really you know, "How can I support you and and really see this through?" Just because he saw how excited I was about it.


You probably have some great stories to tell right? What about that first Whole Foods order that you delivered?

Kara Goldin

Yeah, so the cases actually came the day before I was delivering my fourth child in a planned c-section. They were supposed to be here a week before, and of course they didn't show up and so the night before they show up. And that morning I wake up, I have to be at the hospital at 2 p.m. and Theo says to me, "What do you want to do this morning? Do you want to go on a walk? Do you want to go to brunch?" And I said, "No, I actually want to go to Whole Foods and see if we can get it on the shelf." And he said, "Not what I thought you were gonna say -- but it sounds good." And so we get in the car.


That's passion and dedication.

Kara Goldin

Yeah exactly, we get in the car and and to put some cases in the car and I show up to this gentleman that I had who was stocking the shelves at Whole Foods that I've been talking to and I said, "Hey I'm here." And he starts talking to me about how pregnant I was and I said, "Yeah, I'm delivering this afternoon!" And he said, "Oh gosh! Are you gonna deliver in the store?" and I said, "Probably not." But he he said, "So how do you know that you're actually going to deliver this afternoon?" So I explained to him what a planned c-section was and then ultimately I said, "So by the way it'd be really great if you would actually put our product on the shelf before I go and give birth." And he said, "Well I don't know if I can do it or not..." And at this point Theo was covering his face and said, "I cannot believe you just explained planned c-sections to him while you're trying to sell your product in. And I said, "I know it's crazy." And he said "Just leave it alone."