Work Less, Network More

Lisa Lambert


Lisa believes that women in the workplace focus on getting the job done. But what if getting the job done isn't enough to climb the ladder? That's where the power and importance of networking come in.


Lisa believes that women in the workplace focus on getting the job done. But what if getting the job done isn’t enough to climb the ladder? That’s where the power and importance of networking come in.


I know you're a huge believer in the power of networking. In fact, you have said many times in the past that you think people need to work less and network more. Why do you believe that?

Lisa Lambert

Well, I say that specifically for women. I think women tend to be focused on getting the job done, right, we're heads down, we're making sure the work gets done and we're hoping as a result of that, that our results shine, and that we get recognition, and we get promotion as a result. And the reality is it doesn't work that way. Oftentimes, it's who you know, who knows you, and the rapport that you build with the people who have decision rights on who gets promoted, who gets the great projects. It's knowing them and having rapport with them that matters. And so it's important that you develop those networks. It's not just about having women to support you, but it is about being visible, being networked, being known, telling people about the work that you're doing, the contributions that you're making, so that when the great project does come up, your name is mentioned in the list of candidates.


So for you, can you give us an example of how networking helps you whether it was to win a coveted job or a promotion?

Lisa Lambert

There's so many examples, to be honest with you. I mean, I think I can't imagine that I've done much of any of my career without my network particularly venture invested. With venture investing, it's all about the network, right? You find great companies because you know great entrepreneurs or you know great venture capitalists. And so it's 100% on how effective you are at building that network and then engaging the people in that community. So we find all of our great investments through entrepreneurs in our network and through VCs, so that's a good example. There are also other examples, in fact, my move to National Grid happened through a relationship that I formed when I was in a Wesley group. I knew one of the folks that worked at National Grid Corporation and also one of the recruiters that worked for National Grid. They reached out to me through that connection, so it's a small world, you need to be in touch with people because that's how you're either going to get your job or new opportunity or some other opportunity.