Growth Mindset Risk & Resilience

When One Door Closes Another One Opens

Jan Kang


Rejection is never easy, but with the right attitude, another opportunity may present itself. In this clip, Jan explains how some rejections in the past have led to growth in her professional career.


Rejection is never easy, but with the right attitude, another opportunity may present itself. In this clip, Jan explains how some rejections in the past have led to growth in her professional career.


When you kept on getting, on the flip side, a lot of those rejections from the other opportunities you applied to, how did you dust yourself up, and go at it again?

Jan Kang

Yeah, it’s not always easy. I’m not very good at rejection, I have to say. And even now, late in my career, I’ve had my fair share of rejections. I’ve frankly never gotten a job through a recruiter, or by just sending an application in, except for that first initial 100 letters. It’s always been through connections.
The way I look at it in retrospect to this, by getting rejected, it opens up the door for another opportunity. When I was at Bromium, I was rejected for a fairly high profile general counsel position, and I was upset about it and disappointed, but then I got a call to come have coffee at X. And so, I felt like had I taken that other opportunity, I would not have had the opportunity to join a stealth startup that became Chronicle, and that allowed me to meet the founder of Stairwell, Mike Wiacek, so it all works out.


That’s beautiful, you know that old saying, when one door closes another one opens.

Jan Kang
