War Stories

Vijay Advani


Values are like war stories - if you don't actually live them, you can't talk about them. Vijay Advani leads with authenticity, living his values so the company culture follows suit.


Values are like war stories – if you don’t actually live them, you can’t talk about them. Vijay Advani leads with authenticity, living his values so the company culture follows suit.


So how do you go about instilling those values in your team, the need and the recognition that you should get to know other people, other cultures as much as possible because it will help you not only personally but professionally?

Vijay Advani

I think it's all at the top. You can have posters. Nowadays, I see posters and fliers and offices about your values and your culture. But unless you can live them, these are little bit like war stories, you can only live them by talking about it as war stories over lunch, over a drink, in meetings. And so values are a little bit like how you teach values to your children. It's about conversations at the dinner table, and it's the same thing in the office. Unless the tone at the top is positive and you can relate to business incidents along with your values and kind of talk about it, bring it to life effectively. I think that's important. And that's why you need to travel quite a bit and meet people quite a bit.