Greater Purpose Innovation Leading Change

Visualizing Success

Manish Chandra


At some point, all leaders face setbacks or challenges that may seem insurmountable. But it’s how they choose to respond that will determine their success. Like many companies, revenue was tanking at Poshmark at the start of the pandemic. So how did Manish respond? Listen in to learn how he turned things around.


At some point, all leaders face setbacks or challenges that may seem insurmountable. But it’s how they choose to respond that will determine their success. Like many companies, revenue was tanking at Poshmark at the start of the pandemic. So how did Manish respond? Listen in to learn how he turned things around.


ou have had your fair share of problems as an entrepreneur; all entrepreneurs do. When a big problem comes up, how do you maintain a positive attitude while also being realistic about the enormous challenges ahead?

Manish Chandra

I think you have to face the problems; you have to acknowledge them. That’s sort of the first thing. I think optimism ultimately goes back to a level of spirituality that I have, which is to say that, you know, if you can shift the reality for a second and sort of imagine a future where this problem is solved and a new world exists, that allows you to sort of visualize something that’s very powerful.
I’ll share a very specific example, back in Q1 of 2020, when the world was melting down, our revenue was tanking, we didn’t know whether Poshmark would even exist in a few months, because who knew that people would even buy and sell used clothes because there were all these issues that we were not sure with when the pandemic was starting. And so it was a very, very confusing, very difficult, very challenging time. And so many things were out of anybody’s control, certainly my control at that point in time.
And so what I had to do every night was visualize a time when people are actually using Poshmark in the pandemic to buy and sell used clothes, and little did I know will come together in 30 days or less, that people would start to do that and became really a light of doing it. But that’s sort of what I visualize, is that this becomes a way for people to make money and do all of that. And just every morning, I would have to do that visualization exercise. So that’s there. I think certainly having people around you, family support, where you can talk to, having some practices like meditation, but ultimately, you have to visualize a positive outcome for whatever the problem you have today.