Feedback & Coaching Growth Mindset

Understanding Your Why

Neda Navab


What’s the key to developing a meaningful and impactful mentoring relationship? For Neda Navab, it comes down to one fundamental question – understanding your “why?”


What’s the key to developing a meaningful and impactful mentoring relationship? For Neda Navab, it comes down to one fundamental question – understanding your “why?”


Speaking of mentoring relationships, what do you think is the most challenging factor in a mentoring relationship, and how can it be overcome?

Neda Navab

You know, I think it comes down to almost the most fundamental piece, which is the why. Why do you want mentorship? Why from this person? Why should they want to be engaging in that with you? How are you getting value? How are you giving value? Getting value?
I find it hard if someone’s looking for mentorship, but I don’t really know what their “why” is. Why do they need mentorship for me? Why do they feel at this point in their career they need advice? What are the ways that they need help?
If it’s too open ended, then the person on the other end who wants to give you the value may not have enough structure to give it to you. Help them understand your “why” and then give them value. As the mentee, share what you are learning. Talk about things that you know that they may not know.
As I said before, if I talk to somebody who’s in a different market than I sit in at Compass or who’s in a customer support role, very close to our customers, you know so much that I don’t know, like five minutes at the end of that conversation telling me, “Hey, Neda, I don’t know if you knew about this thing that’s happening in the product or this feedback in Houston,” or what have you. Know that you have a lot to bring a value to the conversation as well, professionally and personally.
I love learning what the kids are into these days or what have you. Talk about what your peers are engaging in. What the conversation is? What’s topical? You have so much value to add from your diverse experience.
Don’t forget that there’s a two-way street of value exchange there.