Passion Team Success Values & Purpose

Understanding the “Why”

Cindy Goodrich


Cindy is a big proponent of purpose-driven employee engagement. She doesn’t want her team to just do as they are told; she really wants them to internalize the “why” behind what they’re doing.


Cindy is a big proponent of purpose-driven employee engagement. She doesn’t want her team to just do as they are told; she really wants them to internalize the “why” behind what they’re doing.


Has there been a case recently where there was a big change and you had to work with your team and say, hey, this may seem a little nebulous why we’re doing this, but here is why?

Cindy Goodrich

Yeah, I think it’s actually interesting even as an organization. So, we really grew up in the last eight years around having this amazing coaching platform, right? So, we invented and we own the patent on virtual coaching. That’s where we’ve been.
And we’re at this stage of a company now where we’re starting to roll out additional products. We actually are going back to experimenting with direct to consumer. And so for the marketing organization, it means really flexing, you know, starting to think about not just, oh, here is this one product and this one buyer, and this one audience, but it’s really being able to adapt to how do we reach multiple audiences? How do we actually then look at all of the things that we’re offering and figure out how we’re bringing that to market?
And so I think it’s not something that happened—It’s not like overnight we said, oh, we’re entering these new businesses, or whatnot, but in terms of the team that we’d been building and the way that we’d been marketing, it was just really a moment to say, we have to shift this.
And I think for us, a big part of it was even just going from doing more of the traditional marketing to actually saying, how do we build a content engine, how do we build digital assets? How do we actually create a series of events ourselves that just bring people in, that we open to anyone to just educate and engage the market and just philosophically changing how we’re going to market and how we’re thinking about it to reach these broader audiences.
But again, it was helping the team understand the why we were doing it versus just coming in and being like, okay, now we’re going to just totally we’re going to go from marketing this way to doing X, Y, and Z instead. And actually, bringing them along on that journey, too.