Accountability Risk & Resilience

Turning Failure into Learning

Kate Renwick-Espinosa


Sometimes our failures end up teaching us more than our successes. Kate recalls a time when she moved quickly to fill a position and hired someone who was not quite the right fit. Hear her biggest takeaways from this experience.


Sometimes our failures end up teaching us more than our successes. Kate recalls a time when she moved quickly to fill a position and hired someone who was not quite the right fit. Hear her biggest takeaways from this experience.


I want to touch on resilience because that’s so important as well. And when you’re a leader, also as an individual contributor, we usually learn more from failure than success. And so I’m wondering, could you share with us an example of perhaps a failure that you have gone on to cherish now because it’s made you better?

Kate Renwick-Espinosa

Yes, there have been plenty of failures I’ve had and learning experiences from those. I think some of the most impactful ones when I think back are the people decisions that I’ve made, that maybe haven’t worked out due to not doing the best hiring. And I think those are failures where I haven’t really been clear on what I need for a role.
Years ago, I think about decisions I made around hiring somebody for a role, not giving them the feedback that they needed in the beginning of the role to be successful. And not only did I learn a ton about what I needed to do better, but I also learned about thinking holistically around a team and the impacts to a team, because it wasn’t just that I was making a poor decision with one position, I was impacting our whole team. And I think that hiring well is one of the best things you can do as a leader, and it’s so much better to take the time and have the role be open, even if that, you know, has other implications. But putting the wrong person in a role just has so many ramifications. And that’s something that definitely I failed at and learned.