Decision Making Leadership Style

Trust Your Instincts

Rob Bernshteyn


When faced with a tough decision, Rob has learned to trust his own instincts. But that’s easier said than done. Hear how Rob arrives at the “answers that lie within.”


When faced with a tough decision, Rob has learned to trust his own instincts. But that’s easier said than done. Hear how Rob arrives at the “answers that lie within.”


What would you say is the best piece of feedback you have ever received and why?

Rob Bernshteyn

Probably to trust my own instincts. I spent a long time in my professional life looking externally for input, but ultimately, I got to a point where I realized a lot of the answers really lie within, and so trust your own instincts, was the advice that came to me in some way, shape or form. And I’ve been relying on that for well over a decade now in my professional life.


Is there an instance of that that you can relate to us where you were sort of thrust into a situation where you couldn’t really decide what to do, and ultimately decided, you know what, this is what my inner voice is telling me?

Rob Bernshteyn

Absolutely, it means taking a long walk. That’s the, you go outside, take a long walk by the water or somewhere in nature, and kind of tried to turn your mind off to all the different factors and options and tap into an intuitive perspective, that might be related to hiring someone, it might be related to parting ways with someone, it might be related to doubling down on an investment in your business, it may be the opposite of that. So some of the biggest decisions that I’ve had to make, I’ve always done that, and it’s worked out really, really righteously for me.