
Dan Springer


DocuSign championed the electronic signature as a form of efficient and effective business. But this shift revealed a powerful sub-initiative: saving paper, protecting trees, and reducing carbon footprint.


DocuSign championed the electronic signature as a form of efficient and effective business. But this shift revealed a powerful sub-initiative: saving paper, protecting trees, and reducing carbon footprint.

DocuSign championed the electronic signature as a form of efficient and effective business. But this shift revealed a powerful sub-initiative: saving paper, protecting trees, and reducing carbon footprint.


I want to ask you a little bit about some of your environmental initiatives by enabling the mass adoption of digital agreement management DocuSign has really reduced the consumption of paper by liked by millions of times you've saved so many trees in the process how are you expecting that work to have an even larger impact in society?

Dan Springer

Yeah, one of the things we did first was we started to tell the story and so now if you go and use DocuSign and you complete an agreement you see at the end of that agreement you can do it for a company individually or you could just say for the total how much wood was saved how many pounds or tons of wood because these trees are hard to you know each tree is different so we've made it in tons of wood how much water you've saved by using DocuSign how much CO2 emissions there's a lot of other environmental impacts around making paper so we started education a lot of our customers particularly our larger customers that have an environmental focus like a Unilever or a Walmart they're super excited to make this part of their own environment movement so that's kind of bucket one two we did launch the DocuSign for Forests initiative where we're saying you know it was one of those things that sometimes people make a little fun of me when I first announced it and I said isn't this an obvious idea and they said took you three years to figure out it's saving paper be related trees and trees is related to forests play part of global warming and I was like just.


You had been coming up with it the whole time you were conceptualizing coming up with the clever DocuSign for Forests title.

Dan Springer

I needed the title once I had the title but it is what I like the good humor people make about it I probably should have figured that one out sooner but good ideas are worth it even if they take a little longer so it's been a huge positive for our customers as well for our employees to feel good about that and the great part about it is one there's this macro thing you know that we're doing with the World Economic Forum and the Wilderness Society and Jane Goodall's Institute to say let's try to think about global warming and let's try think about that in a macro way but we also now have our employees in different cities getting involved so in Seattle they're working at the University of Washington Arboretum planting trees in London we just had a group went out with Trees for Cities which is a great organization in London planting trees there people are saying I'm getting engaged you know at the local level too.