Greater Purpose Leading Change Values & Purpose

Transformational Roots

Jim Gibbons


Goodwill is a household name with humble roots. Started by Reverend Helms in 1902, the company is truly transformational, focusing on preparing people for changing environments. Here, former Goodwill CEO Jim Gibbons talks a bit about the company's founding philosophy.


Goodwill is a household name with humble roots. Started by Reverend Helms in 1902, the company is truly transformational, focusing on preparing people for changing environments. Here, former Goodwill CEO Jim Gibbons talks a bit about the company’s founding philosophy.


I love the story of how Goodwill started when Reverend Edgar Helms started Goodwill in 1902 in Boston. He collected used household goods and clothing and wealthier areas, and then hired those who were poor to repair them, to mend them. It was really transformational because he gave them a hand up, not a handout. So, Jim, I'm wondering how do you define transformational leadership and how is that changing as we move into the future?

Jim Gibbons

I think for me, transformational leadership is really about that ability to adjust to the world around you. Have a level of expertise, have an ability to work with people, but be agile for the environment. And Reverend Helms was an amazing person. And so not only was he a transformational leader in terms of how he grew through his life, but he enabled others to lead at all levels by folks having the ability to transform themselves with new skills, new abilities, whether those are hard skills or soft skills. And as importantly, that ability to flex to their changing environments.